Welcome! This is a publication for experienced programmers that want to learn Python in a concise and efficient way, cutting to the chase.
This is what *I* would like to read if I wanted to start programming in Python today, after being a professional, full time developer for more than 10 years.
There are plenty of resources to learn how to use Python, but they’re all tailored for beginners. They don’t teach THE language, they teach how to code, USING Python as a language.
For these tips, I’ll assume you know how to code already and that you’re an experienced programmer (in whatever language of your choice). I’ll assume that you know control flow structures, data structures, and other computer science concepts. I can speak to you in a direct language: you won’t be scared to read that a set
has a O(1) time complexity for membership-check operations, or that integers in Python 3 are implemented with Arbitrary-precision arithmetic, and are closer to Java’s java.math.BigInteger
, than a regular 32/64 bound int
. More importantly, I’ll assume that you can Google. I’ll make this guide as concise as possible.
👉 Check out Table of Contents - V1 for a list of planned posts.
Why Substack?
I was thinking of writing this guide as a more traditional “book” (using leanpub or gitbook, for example) or long tutorial. But I really like the idea of having an audience and start getting feedback early enough.
I’ll publish a new concept every week. I have several pages already written, and some concepts are quite long, so I might need to split those in several pieces.
Hopefully at the end, we’ll be able to compile everything in a more “organized” format.
I’ll start with the first concepts next week, in the meantime, please tell your friends!